How to Do Raja Yoga Meditation

How to Do Raja Yoga Meditation

Raja Yoga meditation involves numerous mental exercises, all designed to help you form your own realities. Through the repetition of prayers or mantras, Raja Yoga guides the conscious mind which in turn positively effects the subconscious mind to promote emotional and energetic well-being.


Practice the daily mental exercises of Raja Yoga. Perform at least 15 minutes of Raja Yoga meditation each morning to have positive energy throughout the day. You can repeat them any time you like.


Sit in a comfortable position with your eyes closed. Breathe slowly and deeply, allowing your body and mind to be still. If other thoughts come as you meditate, allow them to come and go without judging or focusing on them.


Repeat to yourself, "I am a soul at peace. M mind is peaceful and I send my peace into the world. Waves of peace flow across my mind. My still and silent mind, and my soul is peaceful, and my soul is loving. I free my mind from worry and it is light. My true nature is peace, and I am a shining light of peace. Light and peace surround me and I share it with the world as I journey towards self discovery."


Feel free to change the words. Repeat them several times for about 15 minutes, either mentally or out loud. Incant them anytime during the day that you feel stressed, angry, frustrated or uncentered.


Complete your daily Raja Yoga meditation by stating to yourself or out loud, "My soul is peaceful and today I will send that peace to each person I see."

How to Do Push Pull Circle Foot Massages

How to Do Push Pull Circle Foot Massages

Many people enjoy a nice, relaxing foot massage. Because we walk around on our feet all day, the bottoms of them undergo quite a bit of pressure and stress. Therefore, it only makes sense to apply massage to make them feel better. If you would like to give a foot massage, a technique you can try is the push, pull circle massage.

Things You'll Need:

Massage lotion, oil or cream


Apply a massage lotion, oil or cream if needed. Begin by warming up the person's foot by using some basic massage rubs. You want the foot to be accustomed to the touch of your hand.


Grasp the foot so that the pads of your fingers are touching the top of the person's foot, and your thumb in on the bottom of the foot. The bottom of the foot should be facing you. You may find this technique easiest if the person is on a massage table or on a bed so that you can sit in a chair by their feet for easy access.


Start at the heel of the foot. Push up toward the toes about an inch with your thumb, pull back and then trace a few circles. Repeat this maneuver, while moving up the foot slowly. You may need to do the push, pull circle massage rub as many as 10 times to reach the toes.


Do this massage technique all over the bottom and the sides of the foot. Make sure you use a level of pressure that doesn't hurt, but will still relax the muscles.

How to Do Positional Releases

How to Do Positional Releases

Positional release, also known as strain counterstrain, is a technique used to relieve tender points in muscles. This technique is good when used for hypertonic muscles and muscular spasms.Every muscle attaches to the bone at two points—the point of origin and the point of insertion. The point of origin is like the anchor point for the muscle. It stays fixed. The point of insertion is the place were the muscle causes movement. For example, if you look at the bicep, you’ll see that the point of origin is above the elbow and the point of insertion is below the elbow. You know this because when you contract the bicep the forearm moves thus bending the elbow. Once you have a knowledge of basic anatomy, mainly origin and insertion points of muscle groups, positional release is relatively easy to do.


Determine where you will do the positional release. You can do this by choosing an area and searching for tender points in that area by doing cross-fiber friction or stripping. You should rely on feedback from the person you’re massaging as well as what you feel when you’re searching.


Once you find a tender point, determine where the origin and insertion point of that muscle is. Once you know that you can begin to passively shorten the muscle by moving the point of insertion. Let’s use the hamstrings as an example. Once you’ve found a tender point in the hamstring, keep pressing on that point with your fingers. The hamstrings bend the knee so the point of origin is above the knee and the point of insertion is below the knee.


Use your free hand to lift the lower leg and passively bend the knee. It’s important that the person you’re massaging stays completely relaxed and doesn’t help you bend the knee at all.


Have your partner give you feedback about their pain level--0 being no pain and 10 being excruciating. As you bend the knee the pain should get less and less. Try to find the point when the pain is a 0 or at least a 1 or 2. If the pain starts getting worse, back off to a point where it’s better. This is called the position of ease.


Once you find the position of ease hold that position for about 2 minutes. After 2 minutes slowly put their leg down. There should still be no pain in the spot even with the leg down.

How to Do Physical Therapy Side Leg Lifts

How to Do Physical Therapy Side Leg Lifts

Having lower back pain or knee surgery are some reasons for doing physical therapy exercises using your legs. You can strengthen these areas by working them three to five times a week. Start slowly and only on the advice of your doctor or physical therapist.


Lie down on the floor and roll your body over to one side. Stretch the arm that's against the floor out in front of you.


Bend your outside leg slightly and rest your head on your outstretched arm. Make your body a straight line from your shoulder to your hip before you start your physical therapy exercise.


Raise your outside leg 8 to 10 inches off the ground. Then lower your leg to its starting position and repeat for a total of five lifts on this side.


Turn over to the opposite side and resume the starting position with the opposite arm outstretched. Complete five side leg lifts on this side to finish this physical therapy routine.

Tips & Warnings

Side leg lifts aid in strengthening a group of muscles called abductors. This group of four muscles is responsible for movement of your legs away from your body's center.

Begin with five repetitions of this exercise. If you're in too much pain to complete all five, stop the workout and consult your doctor.

Stretch your leg muscles well before you begin this physical therapy exercise.

Always consult your physician before you start any exercise program.

How to Do Physical Therapy Exercises for the Feet

How to Do Physical Therapy Exercises for the Feet

Because feet hold the weight of our bodies each and every day, they are prone to injury, such as ankle sprains, fallen arches, broken toes or tears to the Achilles' tendon. Physical therapy is an important part of recovery as exercises help to ensure that your feet remain strong as well as flexible. A few tips can help.


Perform simple stretches both before and after physical therapy to keep your feet flexible. Stand with one foot slightly in front of the other, heel in line with the toes of the back foot, and then lift the foot so that only your heel is on the ground. Lift as high as is comfortable, leaning your body forward slightly if you like to deepen the stretch. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds and repeat 2 or 3 times.


Sit on the edge of a chair and rest your ankle on top of the opposite knee. Hold your toes firmly and pull them back towards your shin to create a stretch through the arch of the foot. Hold for 3 to 5 seconds and repeat 2 or 3 times.


Sit with your legs extended in front of you, resting against a wall or the headboard of your bed for support if you like. Wrap an exercise band around the arches of your feet, near the heals, and pull back with your arms until there is sufficient resistance. Pull your toes up and then slowly push your feet against the resistance band, dropping your toes as near to the floor or bed as possible, keeping the motions slow and smooth and perform 3 to 5 repetitions. After each set, move the band a bit further up the arch of your foot until you must grip the band below your toes.


Stand on a step, holding firmly onto the railing or wall for balance as your rest just the balls of your feet on the step with your arches and heels hanging off. Very slowly and gently, lift up onto your toes and then drop your heels below the step. Repeat, lifting and lowering with controlled motions 3 to 5 times and repeating 2 or 3 times.

Tips & Warnings

Physical therapy exercises can vary greatly depending on your condition and stage of healing. Always discuss new exercise routines with your doctor or physical therapist before beginning.

How to Do Paramahansa Yogananda Meditation

How to Do Paramahansa Yogananda Meditation

Paramahansa Yogananda was the founder of an education center for boys, where he taught yoga, meditation courses and lessons on spiritual ideals. He believed that the practices of yoga and meditation can awaken the soul to experience direct interaction with God.


Sit in a comfortable position with your spine tall and straight. Close your eyes while turning them towards the area between your eyebrows. For best results, it is best to practice Paramahansa Yogananda mediation after a yoga session.


Inhale slowly and deeply as you count to eight and then hold your breath for eight counts, maintaining your concentration on the area between your eyebrows. Exhale slowly while counting to eight and then repeat 3 to 6 times. This practice will help your mind and body to prepare for the meditation.


Complete your 8 count breathing and then inhale as you say to yourself, "Hong." As you exhale, say to yourself, "Sau." Do not try to control your breath, just allow it to flow naturally and repeat Make no attempt to control your breathing, just let its flow be completely natural, repeating your mental mantras as you breathe.


Feel yourself become more and more relaxed with each breath; however, keep your spine straight and your eyes turned to the point between your eyebrows. Whenever your mind wanders, simply let the thoughts go and turn your awareness to your breath and the mantra. Continue the Paramahansa Yogananda meditation for as long as you like, and practice whenever you like.

Tips & Warnings

"Hong" rhymes with song. "Sau" rhymes with saw. Hong Sau means, "I am Spirit."

How to Do Neck Backward Resistance Exercise

How to Do Neck Backward Resistance Exercise

The posterior muscles of the neck are the ones responsible for neck extension. These muscles are splenius capitis, semispinalis capitis, suboccipitals, and the trapezius muscle. To strengthen these muscles, application of resistance is done at the back of the head, opposing the extension of the neck. This type of exercise can be executed in two ways -- static and dynamic exercises. In static or isometric resistance exercise, a fixed or immovable resistance is applied, to allow muscle contraction but without any movements from the joint. Dynamic resistance exercise on the other hand, involves application of constant pressure, that allows both muscle contraction and joint movement. Here are some different methods of doing neck extension or backward resistance exercise.

Things You'll Need:





Static Backward Resistance Exercise of the Neck


Standing or seated, clasp your hands together and place them behind your head. Then gently push the back of your head against your hands as you attempt to move your head backwards (neck extension). Apply enough opposing resistance on your hands to not allow neck extension. Do not tuck your chin while doing this motion. Increase the resistance gradually to a tolerable level, hold it for 5 seconds, and relax. Perform this procedure 5 to 10 times.


Begin by sitting on a chair with your head in neutral position. Loop the towel around the back of your head and hold on to the ends of the towel from the sides of your head. Make sure that both your hands are holding firmly to the ends of the towel. Gently push your head against the towel as you attempt to move your head backward (neck extension). Apply enough opposing resistance on the towel so that your neck is not able to extend. Increase resistance gradually to a tolerable level, hold it for 5 seconds, and relax. Repeat this 5 to 10 times.


Start by lying on your back (supine position), with a pillow on the head, and head in straight position. Now gently push the back of your head against the pillow. Gradually increase the amount of resistance to a tolerable level, hold it for 5 seconds, and then relax. Repeat this procedure 5 to 10 times.

Dynamic Backward Resistance Exercise of the Neck


Start in standing or sitting position with your neck flexed (looking down on the floor with your chin tucked to your chest). Clasp your hands together and place them at the back of your head. Then gently push your head against your hands as you lift your head backward (neck extension). Apply tolerable opposing resistance on your hands, while allowing your head to move backwards, until head and neck is in erect position (head is at the center of your shoulders). Stop with head in straight up position and do not go beyond this point. Repeat this procedure 5 to 10 times and be sure to provide few seconds of rest in between.


Sit on a chair with your head flexed, as in looking down on the floor, with your chin tucked on chest. Loop the towel around the back of your head and hold on to the ends of the towel from the sides of your head. Make sure that both your hands are holding firmly to the ends of the towel. Then gently push your head against the towel as you lift your head backward (neck extension). Apply tolerable opposing resistance on the towel, while allowing your head to move back, until your head and neck is in erect position. Stop with head in straight up position and do not go beyond this point. Repeat this procedure 5 to 10 times with few seconds of rest in between.


Lie on you stomach (prone position), with your head over the edge of the bed. Carefully allow your head to dangle beyond the edge of the bed until you can feel a stretch at the back of your neck. Slowly lift your head back from starting position and hold it for 5 seconds. Then relax and bring your head to dangled position again. Repeat this procedure 5 to 10 times allowing a few seconds of rest in between.

Tips & Warnings

If there is pain, numbness, or tingling sensation during execution, discontinue the procedure and contact your doctor right away.

How to Do Myotherapy Massage

How to Do Myotherapy Massage

Myotherapy massage, more commonly known as trigger point therapy, is a popular form of massage therapy. It is the method of treating trigger points or knots in muscle tissue. A trigger point is caused when a muscle is injured or strained. The muscle tightens up in the area where it was injured. This tightened area restricts blood flow and traps the muscle's waste causing the area to hurt. Sometimes trigger points hurt only in the area of injury, other times the pain is referred to another area. Knowing how to treat these trigger points with myotherapy is an good way to relieve your clients' muscle pain and encourage healing.

Things You'll Need:

a partner

a comfortable place for your partner to lay down


Decide with your partner what area you will work on. This should be an area where your partner has been feeling some discomfort.


Use the pads of your fingers, your thumb and your knuckle to feel around this area using small circular strokes. You are looking for lumpy or hard areas in the muscle tissue.


When you find an area that is hard, find the middle of that area, press down on it and ask your partner if it hurts. Sometimes you'll press down on a spot and it will hurt somewhere other than the place you are pressing. This is called referred pain.


Using a scale of 1-10, 1 being the least amount of pain and 10 being the most, ask how much pain your partner is experiencing when you press on the spot. Then back off until they are at about a 2 or 3.


Hold it at that level for about 10 seconds. Now back off the spot completely so that they are at a zero but don't take your finger off the spot. Don't press on the spot for 2 seconds.


Now apply pressure again to the same level, a 2 or 3, for 10 seconds. It's important that you are pushing the exact same spot as before at the exact same angle.


Repeat this pressure on and off method for until the pain goes away, but no longer than 2 minutes.

Tips & Warnings

Myotherapy massage can make your partner feel sick. It's important not to work on too many trigger points in one session.

If done incorrectly myotherapy can cause injury to tissue so you should be properly trained before trying it.

How to Use Buddhism With Tibetan Medicine

How to Use Buddhism With Tibetan Medicine

The basis of Tibetan medicine stems from Buddhist philosophical theory. Tibetan medicine necesitates that you practice Buddhist exercises. The goal is to bring balance to the mind, which is thought to restore health and prevent illness. In Buddhist Tibetan medicine, ignorance of the mind is the cause of illness. Through ignorance, we misperceive the world in ways that make us prone to physical and spiritual pollution. Many Buddhists use Tibetan medicine to treat a variety of illnesses.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Consult Your Local Tibetan Medical Doctor


Consult a Tibetan medical doctor in your area. Use the Web site to find local providers with a strong Buddhist background (see Resources below).


Inquire about your personal medical problems and how Buddhism can play a role in your treatment.


Follow your Tibetan doctor's treatment plan. This will likely include meditation, yoga stretches and herbal medicine.

Learn More about Tibetan Buddhism


Read 'The Path to Tranquility: Daily Wisdom' and 'The Art of Happiness: A Handbook for Living' by H.H. the Dalai Lama (see Resources below). In these books, you'll learn how Buddhist exercises can be incorporated into your daily life.


Read more about how Buddhism affects Tibetan medicine at the Dharma Haven Web site (see Resources below).


Visit your local Tibetan Buddhist temple. Most temples will offer instructional guides or pamphlets that explain the main tenets of Buddhism. Take these materials home with you and study them.

Tips & Warnings

Meditation is a key aspect of Buddhism. If you're new to meditation, you may find it difficult at first, but try not to get discouraged. We are so accustomed to noise that many Westerners find it difficult to quiet themselves initially.

Tibetan healing techniques sometimes feature yoga exercises that are physically demanding for a beginner. Start slowly and go at your own pace.

Be wary of Buddhism's 3 mental poisons--anger, attachment, and close-mindedness.

If, during yoga, you experience severe chest pain, difficulty breathing or numbness, visit a medical doctor or emergency room immediately.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners are licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider and keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Use Appalachian Folk Medicine

How to Use Appalachian Folk Medicine

Appalachian folk remedies, including botanicals like echinacea and butterfly weed, have remained locally popular for hundreds of years. One of the lesser known ones, jewelweed, is faithfully applied for the elimination of poison ivy irritation. Follow these steps to learn more about Appalachian folk medicine.

Things You'll Need:

Internet access

Library card

Geographical curiosity

Treat Symptoms With Folk Remedies Developed in Appalachian


Move into spring with clear sinuses. There's a long-held belief that by consuming locally-produced honey you can affordably cure your allergy symptoms. Local honey that includes the pollen you're bothered by is said to be better for you than honey purchased from abroad (or even out of state). Honey from different places will not have the same pollen makeup as the honey harvested near you.


Combine the local honey with herbs like nettle and chickweed to go further than treating only your symptoms. Over time, the consumption of these combined ingredients (usually mixed together in tea) is reported to nullify the actual allergy. For increased effect, add some powdered ginseng root for more energy and lung health.


Drink locally-available herbal tea to calm the nerves.

Embrace History


Treat wounds like the Civil War soldiers did. Lacking the hospital technology of the modern age, wounded veterans of the U.S. Civil War often had to use herbs and other botanicals to survive. Appalachian folk medicine techniques, including salves and tonics, helped to save many lives and cure many wounds.


Locate the source. Running inboard of the eastern coast of the United States, the Appalachian Mountains remain a land shrouded with low clouds and mystique. Part of that mystique includes folk medicine remedies that have become part of legendary tales that continue to be shared after 150 years.

Practice Alternatives


Use prayer in Appalachian folk medicine traditions. Appalachian folk medicine incorporates Native American ritual.


Drink moonshine to calm the nerves. This is considered a perfectly normal piece of advice in Appalachian folk medicine. Homemade alcohol use epitomizes the traditional remedy. Since the dangers of alcohol are well known, practicality should be key.


Seek more knowledge online at Web sites like "The Southern Herbalist" (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Consult more than 1 source of information when seeking folk medicine suggestions. Be particularly circumspect when taking advice from an herbalist or practitioner vying for your money.

Try to contain enthusiasm for a particular "cure" until you've found it to be personally effective.

Beware the potential for unknown allergic reactions when ingesting unfamiliar herbal substances. Visit a doctor or even an ER right away if you have a severe allergic reaction like intense swelling or if you suddenly have difficulty breathing.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. If you decide to try folk medicine, consult your primary health care provider. Keep your doctor informed about the folk medical technique you undertake.

Consult to learn how educate yourself about alternative medicine claims (see Resources below). Learn how to assess those claims before you make your treatment decision.

How to Use Acupuncture Combination Points

How to Use Acupuncture Combination Points

Rooted in ancient Chinese techniques, acupuncture is used to control pain and facilitate healing. Thin needles are inserted in specific parts of the body, known as energy pathways. Acupuncture theory holds that pain and illness stem from blocked energy flow; needle insertion is said to remove these blockages, clearing a path for wellness. These techniques have been used to treat a variety of conditions, including bursitis, sciatica, colitis, poor eyesight and deafness.

Things You'll Need:

Book listing acupuncture combination points


Make an appointment with a local acupuncturist. You can find one through the Acufinder Web site (see Resources below). During your appointment, describe all your symptoms to your acupuncturist, in as much detail as you can. The more information you offer him or her, the better he or she can use combination points to treat you.


Learn more about acupuncture combination points by purchasing SStandard Meridian Points of Acupuncture: Charts" by the Institute of Acupuncture and Moxibustion of the China Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine (see Resources below).


See the strength of the stomach meridian. You'll find this point on the front of the leg, underneath the knee. Your acupuncturist will use it to conquer digestive disorders like vomiting, nausea and gastralgia. It's also used to treat immune deficiency, anemia and fatigue.


Harness the potency of the spleen meridian. This point makes its home on the inner part of the leg, sitting above the ankle. It governs the digestive system and can help relieve hormonal disorders.


Understand the power of the lung meridian. Found on the inside of the arm, just above the wrist, this combination point is used to address upper-body disorders, including neck stiffness, asthma, sore throat and facial paralysis.


Learn about the large intestine meridian. Found in the back of the hand between the thumb and first finger, your acupuncturist may use this combination point for pain relief and for the treatment of bowel ailments.


Perform any follow-up or complementary treatments suggested by your acupuncturist. This may include taking herbs and/or all-natural vitamin supplements.

Tips & Warnings

Books containing a list of acupuncture points are available online and are moderately priced.

If your symptoms are severe and include, for example, extreme chest pain, do not attempt to treat your condition with acupuncture. Seek help from a physician.

Acupuncture can result in serious consequences like liver toxicity if not performed by someone with the proper training. Do not attempt to treat yourself unless you have the proper educational background.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Treat Seizures Through Trepanation

How to Treat Seizures Through Trepanation

Trepanation is a form of alternative medicine in which a hole is drilled into the skull to treat certain conditions and afflictions. In modern times, the most common ailments treated with trepanation are migraines, depression and stress. Different people use trepanation for the treatment of all sorts of conditions, including seizures.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access

Licensed medical doctor


Understand the Treatment of Seizures Through Trepanation


Understand what causes seizures. Seizures can be brought on by a variety of different factors. Injury to the brain or the blood vessels in the brain, blocked blood vessels or irregular blood pressure, imbalanced metabolism and emotional or psychological distress can all lead to seizures.


Learn how to treat seizures through trepanation. Trepanation is thought to increase and balance out the flow of blood to the brain. This can eliminate blocked blood vessels, bring blood pressure to normal and even allow a more balanced emotional state. All of these things can decrease the risk of seizures.


Talk to your doctor about treating seizures through trepanation. Ask for his or her recommendation on whether trepanation could work for you. Discuss potential risks and benefits. Get all the facts.


Schedule your trepanation surgery with a licensed and trained surgeon, in an accredited medical facility, properly equipped for the procedure.


Schedule a follow-up procedure with your doctor to monitor your progress and see if there is any improvement. This is essential if there are any complications from the surgery.


Learn more about trepanation and how the surgical procedure is completed by reading the Essential Surgical Care Manual (see Resources below).


Discover more about seizures and how to treat them by reading 'The Causes of Seizures and Seizure-like Episodes' (see Resources below).

Tips & Warnings

Like most surgical procedures, trepanation can be rather expensive.

Trepanation surgery is not covered by most health insurance companies.

Trepanation should only be performed by, and at the advice of, a licensed medical doctor. Do not attempt to trepan yourself. It will only serve to make an already extremely risky procedure even riskier.

Trepanation has a high risk of brain damage and infection. If you experience infection, head trauma or severe chronic headaches, consult a doctor immediately.

If you experience seizures, consult your doctor.

How to Treat Infertility Through Acupuncture

How to Treat Infertility Through Acupuncture

Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern healing technique that helps the body help itself. Needles approximately equal in diameter to a guitar string are used to puncture the skin in various places, known as energy pathways. Acupuncture theory contends that blockages in these pathways cause illness, and that health is restored by using needles to clear these blockages. It is said to be possible to treat infertility through acupuncture, as well as many other ailments including constipation, neuralgia, back pain, dizziness and depression.

Things You'll Need:

Computer with Internet access for contacting acupuncturists


Understand how acupuncture helps. Acupuncture can treat infertility by improving blood circulation in the pelvic cavity and boosting ovarian function. Brush up on the basis of acupuncture by browsing the Acupuncture Web site (see Resources below).


Know what to expect. Fertility experts use acupuncture as just one part of an overall plan to improve health and wellness, so you may be required to make certain lifestyle changes to accomplish your goals. With health comes fertility.


Learn about acupuncture's role in regulating hormonal imbalances. For some women, infertility is the result of hormonal imbalances. This situation may be remedied with acupuncture. It may be helpful to rent or buy the
"East Meets West: Acupuncture and Herbs for the Treatment of Infertility with World-Renowned Fertility Specialist Dr. Mike Berkley, L.Ac., DA(RI)," available on Amazon (see Resources below).


Understand where the needles will be placed. Acupuncture points for infertility are usually located on the lower back, lower abdomen and legs.


Seek the assistance of an expert. Find an acupuncturist with experience in fertility issued by visiting the Acufinder Web site (see Resources below).


Meet with your chosen acupuncturist and give him or her as much information as possible--how long you have been trying to conceive as well as a full description of your medical history.


Follow your acupuncturist's treatment schedule to completion. Be sure to ask questions prior to any session--get your money's worth and peace of mind by being vocal.

Tips & Warnings

Acupuncture rates can climb from moderate to expensive. A lot depends on the experience and credentials of your acupuncturist. The city in which he or she is based also affects fees.

Acupuncture is covered through many insurance plans. Coverage is not offered by Medicare and Medicaid, however.

Herbs and supplements may be prescribed by your acupuncturist to support treatment. These tend to be inexpensive to moderate in price, and are not covered by insurance plans.

Do not attempt to use acupuncture to treat potentially life-threatening symptoms like extreme abdominal pain. Seek the aid of a doctor.

Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.

How to Compete in a Lingerie Contest

How to Compete in a Lingerie Contest

Competing in a lingerie contest can be a fun and rewarding experience that can get you exposure or prizes of anything from a designer lingerie set to a full page magazine spread. Enjoy yourself and improve your chances by preparing yourself and giving it your all.


Select several different types of lingerie such as a feminine teddy, sexy black lace or an original style perhaps designed by yourself or a friend. All lingerie contests vary slightly in the theme they want and what they are looking for, but having a variety of styles is essential as you progress to the different levels of the contest.


Get a friend or professional photographer to take some shots of you in a variety of poses and outfits. Include full body and even some just head shots to ensure you can fulfill the criteria of the competition entry.


Check you meet all the eligibility requirements such as age limits or location and follow the application procedure. Most large contests such as Budweiser select or goddess contest will let you submit photos or videos online and contact you if you are successful.


Find all the information that you can regarding the particular contest that you are going to enter so you can determine exactly what they are looking for. Look at the language used and if it contains a lot of "glamour" words such as "hot" or "sexy," create this type of look. The same applies to contests that are looking for originality and uniqueness and this is a good opportunity to try original designs.


Have an outgoing personality and lots of confidence with your body and attire. Confidence is the key to success in lingerie contests and you should demonstrate this by being sure of your walk, poise and if necessary

How to Color-Coordinate an Outfit

How to Color-Coordinate an Outfit

Coordinating fashion outfits is a matter of understanding how colors work together. Whether you choose to match outfits using various tones of one color or use complementary colors, you don't have to be a fashionista to look great. Here are tips on coordinating


Look through fashion magazines. Cut out pictures of outfits that you like and place them in a folder. You'll soon see that you lean toward a specific style. Knowing the style will help you make decisions you'll be happy with for a long time.


Put together coordinating outfits by selecting clothing items of the same color family such as ivory, gray or beige. The results will be a monochromatic look that never goes out of style.


Choose companion colors that always work well together, such as black and white or pink and gray. Classic color combinations like these always look good no matter what the trend is this season.


Create a bold fashion statement by selecting colors that oppose each other on the color wheel. This is a technique often used by interior designers to create bold and beautifully decorated rooms.


Build your wardrobe by choosing three colors that coordinate well together such as black, gray and pink. Regardless of what article of clothing you purchase in these colors, they will all coordinate, stretching your wardrobe and your budget.

Tips & Warnings

You can reference a color wheel online or at a local paint store.

Purchase the best quality clothing you can afford. Such quality shows.

Make sure your clothing fits properly. Many retail stores offer tailoring when you purchase their clothing. If not, you can find a tailor through your local dry-cleaning establishment.

How to Color Coordinate Your Clothes

How to Color Coordinate Your Clothes

Color coordinating clothes is an easy process if you know a few basic rules to streamline the process. Once you know the rules, you can even begin to play with them and break them in clever ways to create your own fashionable style. A few simple steps can help you quickly and easily color coordinate your clothes.


Start with neutral colors like black, brown, grey, navy blue and olive green. Neutral pieces serve as the foundation for a wardrobe by grounding outfits and keeping them classy. Most people choose to wear neutral colored pants and skirts and build color on top.


Add color to your neutral pieces. Color is the component of a wardrobe that can really add personality and panache. By choosing pops of vibrant color on top of neutrals you can create a distinctive look.


Coordinate your accessories with both the neutral and vibrant colors of your outfit in mind. Accessories are not only a great way to accentuate the colors you've already brought into an outfit, but to add extra layers of color. You might choose a striking red shoe to add an extra splash of color to an outfit with no red in it. These extra colors add fun and personality to an outfit.


Use colors that work with your skin tone and

. While you should feel free to be adventurous, some colors will clash with bold hair colors and some skin tones. Be sure to try clothes on when you're shopping to make sure that they complement you.

Tips & Warnings

Beware of too many neutrals in an outfit. For instance, if you mix black and brown you might end up looking dull and gloomy.

Avoid too many vibrant colors. While splashes of color are great for an outfit, many competing colors tend to detract from the drama that color provides.

How to Collect Gold Coins

How to Collect Gold Coins

Coin collecting is a hobby for some and an investment source for others. The amount of time and money used in the effort to collect gold coins varies with the level of desire to become a numismatist (coin collector). Whether for a hobby or an investment, it's important to understand the ways to get the most for your money.

Build a Gold Coin Collection


Investigate the dealer before buying gold coins. Look for the amount of time the dealer has been in business, and determine whether she has a physical address.


Investigate the market value of coins before you purchase. This is accomplished by asking several dealers about the price for buying and selling coins. Also, check with auctions for current coin prices.


Get your start with coin collecting by purchasing coins from owners. Many coin collectors use brokers who sell the coins at higher prices and collect fees of 10 to 30 percent.


Take advantage of professional expertise in coin collecting. Choose a dealer with coin interest that matches yours. It takes years and lots of experience to learn how to determine the true value of coins.


Choose a dealer with membership in the PNG (Professional Numismatist Guild). There are more than 300 members in the PNG who possess expertise in coin collecting.


Select coins for your collection that are graded by the Professional Coin Grading Service (PCGS) (see Resources below).


Learn the gold coin market and become educated in numismatics by investing in books or checking your local library for resources.


Check the PCGS Online Population Report for information on rare collections (see Resources below).


Expect coin collecting to require accurate recording of each piece. Catalog the purchase cost and keep an updated log of market value to know whether your investment is growing.

Tips & Warnings

Ask the dealer whether the coin is his. If the coin is through a broker, make sure the dealer has actually seen the coin.

It is important to have your gold coin collection appraised at least every 6 months. If not for resale value, at least have it done for insurance coverage in case of loss.

Go for sets instead of individuals. Complete sets of like coins will increase in value more rapidly than individual coins.

Avoid buying gold coins that you or a broker cannot view in person. Coins in auction catalogs can be misleading.

How to Collect Antique Umbrellas

How to Collect Antique Umbrellas

Originally designed to protect the holder from harsh sun as well as rain; the umbrella owes its heritage to the parasol of the nineteenth century and before that, as far back in history as ancient Greece, where royalty, male and female, used it for sun protection. Today, collecting antique umbrellas is a gracious and rewarding hobby, as the collector finds a variety of styles. Read on to learn how to collect antique umbrellas.


Look for straight umbrella spokes and workable mechanics. The umbrella should open to its full extension and show only slight wear on the handle. Due to the breakdown of fabric with time, it is unusual to find an umbrella more than 80-years-old that has not suffered from deterioration. Unlike many collectibles, antique umbrellas often have had their fabric replaced.


Ask about the history of the umbrella. If it remained in the same family from generation to generation, you stand a better chance of finding an authentic item. Unfortunately, the earliest parasols are in such demand, that reproductions are quite common. Get it appraised to be determine if you have an authentic parasol or a reproduction.


Buy from a reliable antique seller or auction house. Auctions that sell entire estates in one piece are a better source than those who sell single items on consignment. Top auction houses have antiquarians on staff to appraise the items before selling.


Find matching antique accessories, often stored with antique umbrellas. Ladies in the nineteenth century paired their parasols with matching stockings, gloves and shoes, and these were often stored in cedar trunks for protection from moths. When you spot an antique umbrella at an estate auction, be on the lookout for accessories.


Discover pre-1850 umbrellas with whalebone spokes. If your umbrella has long fringes or features a pagoda shape, it is likely from the mid-nineteenth century. Towards the twentieth century, metal spokes came into usage. The finest European parasols of the eighteenth century featured silver spokes and handles.


Ask the seller to open the umbrella before you purchase it. Since most will need to have the fabric restored, it is imperative that the other parts be in good working order. If he won't open it for you, that should send up a red flag.

How to Collect 1950s Vintage Clothing

How to Collect 1950s Vintage Clothing

The 1950s was the first decade after World War II. There were new technologies all around. This included changes in fabrics and styles. Women wore mostly dresses and skirts in the 1950s. Even so, they were starting to make note of their individuality and always seemed to be having a good time when photographed in the 1950s height of fashion. Start collecting your own vintage clothing wardrobe with these steps.


Find out all of the information you can about 1950s vintage clothing from various websites. The Fashion Era website is a good place to start. Choose the 1950s section. This will give you information and pictures relating to clothing from this era.


Look through the Unique Vintage website for party dresses from the 1950s. The 1950s were an elegant time. You can reintroduce this sophistication with a dress everyone else will love.


Swing on by the Hey Viv website. This is where you will find collectible poodle skirts and all of the accessories. These items adorned well-dressed young women during the 1950s.


Check eBay to see how many people are selling vintage clothing. Look through everything you turn up in your query. You never know when you might find the perfect item.


Look in flea markets, garage and estate sales plus thrift stores. Estate sales, especially, can produce great finds. Some people have very fine clothing packed away only to be found by their
later in life.


Walk back into history and see the beautiful designs that were available in the 1950s. Helen Bond Carruthers created striking sweaters that are extremely collectible today. Big E is the term for people who collect the hot item 1950s era Levi jeans. Another hot item is vintage scarves. Look for familiar names such as Christian Dior, Chanel and Vera.

How to Collapse an Umbrella

How to Collapse an Umbrella

Good umbrellas are easy to raise and easy to collapse. No one wants to fuss with the operating mechanism for an umbrella, particularly when it's raining outside. Because there are numerous types of umbrellas, there are also several ways to open and close them.

Close a Personal Umbrella


Shake off any excess water if you have just come out of the rain.


Push down the locking lever near the top of the shaft to release the umbrella's folding frame, and pull the sleeve down the shaft until it locks in place.


Wrap the material around the shaft in the same direction and snap the tie in place to hold it closed.

Close a Manual or Crank Outdoor Umbrella


Push up slightly on the umbrella to put slack in the locking mechanism.


Remove the pin that holds the umbrella at the chosen height, push in the peg that holds it or undo whatever locking mechanism keeps the umbrella in place.


Pull the sleeve that attaches the frame to the pole down all the way. Once the pin is removed, these umbrellas come down quickly and easily.


Lower crank umbrellas by unlocking the mechanism on the crank, then rotating the crank, usually clockwise.


Push the ribs of the frame into the pole for a sleek silhouette.


Get all of the folds of fabric out straight and uniform. If you stow the umbrella with the fabric bunched up in the frame, it will be wrinkled and creased when you pull it out again.

Tips & Warnings

Buy an auto-open and auto-close umbrella for one-touch simplicity. Not always available at retail stores, these umbrellas are easy to find if you shop online.

Wait for a personal umbrella to dry before wrapping it and securing it with the tie if you plan to store it right away. This will help it dry more quickly and prevent mold or mildew.

When stowing an outdoor umbrella for the winter, you should take the time to wash it down properly.

Watch your fingers when you collapse your personal umbrella. Your skin can be easily pinched in the mechanism with some umbrellas.

Superstition says that it's bad luck to have an open umbrella inside, so you might want to collapse yours before you go indoors if you believe in that sort of thing.

Make sure there is nothing that can get in the way of lowering an outdoor umbrella. Umbrella lights or lanterns should be removed first, and tilting umbrellas should be completely straight.

Get outdoor umbrellas with rust-resistant frames. Rusted frames can make closing them very difficult, if not impossible.

How to Clean your Jewelry without paying a fortune!

How to Clean your Jewelry without paying a fortune!

You will learn to clean your jewelry so it looks bran new. Gem stones will shine like diamonds.

Things You'll Need:

Dish washing liquid

tooth brush

two bowls of hot water



Put a few drops of dish washing liquid into one of the bowls of hot water.


Place jewelry into bowl. Let it sit for a minute.


Using a tooth brush, gently brush the jewelry.


After brushing for a few minutes, place the jewelry into the second bowl of hot water.


Gently move jewelry within bowl.


Taking out the jewelry, place them on the towel.


Gently dab. Then give them a rub using a bit of force, just to polish.


Your jewelry will now be ready to mesmerize!

How to Clean White Shoes

How to Clean White Shoes

Owning white shoes is great. They give your outfit a fresh and bright look, but keeping them clean can be a big headache. Luckily, cleaning them is much easier than keeping them clean. With a little water, dish-washing liquid and a little bleach, your white shoes will look like new again.

Clean White Cloth Shoes


Take out any shoestrings, and place them in a mild solution of dish detergent water and a little bleach.


Place the shoes in a pillowcase.


Put the pillowcase filled with the shoes in the

on normal cycle with half a cup of detergent and a cap full bleach. The bleach will help keep the shoes white.


Hand wash the shoestrings. Rinse them, and place them in the dryer to dry.


Remove the shoes from the washing machine. Take them out of the pillowcase, and allow them to air dry.


String the shoestrings back in the shoes once they're dry.

Clean White Canvas Shoes


Make a mild solution of dish detergent, water and a little bleach.


Remove any shoestrings, and follow Steps 1 and 4 above.


Take a cloth, place it into the solution and thoroughly scrub your shoes.


Use an old toothbrush to scrub some of the harder crevices and areas of the shoes.


Rinse the cloth out with clear water, and use it to rinse the shoes off.


Allow the shoes to air dry.


Polish when finished.

Clean White Leather Shoes


Make a mild solution of dish detergent, water and a little bleach.


Dip the tip of a cloth into the solution, and spot clean the shoes.


Immediately dry the areas where you cleaned the shoes.


Polish when dry with white leather shoe polish.

Tips & Warnings

Use a specialty sponge made to remove scuff marks from walls to gently rub off stubborn scuff marks from white leather shoes.