How to Do Physical Therapy Side Leg Lifts

How to Do Physical Therapy Side Leg Lifts

Having lower back pain or knee surgery are some reasons for doing physical therapy exercises using your legs. You can strengthen these areas by working them three to five times a week. Start slowly and only on the advice of your doctor or physical therapist.


Lie down on the floor and roll your body over to one side. Stretch the arm that's against the floor out in front of you.


Bend your outside leg slightly and rest your head on your outstretched arm. Make your body a straight line from your shoulder to your hip before you start your physical therapy exercise.


Raise your outside leg 8 to 10 inches off the ground. Then lower your leg to its starting position and repeat for a total of five lifts on this side.


Turn over to the opposite side and resume the starting position with the opposite arm outstretched. Complete five side leg lifts on this side to finish this physical therapy routine.

Tips & Warnings

Side leg lifts aid in strengthening a group of muscles called abductors. This group of four muscles is responsible for movement of your legs away from your body's center.

Begin with five repetitions of this exercise. If you're in too much pain to complete all five, stop the workout and consult your doctor.

Stretch your leg muscles well before you begin this physical therapy exercise.

Always consult your physician before you start any exercise program.