How to Treat Infertility Through Acupuncture
Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern healing technique that helps the body help itself. Needles approximately equal in diameter to a guitar string are used to puncture the skin in various places, known as energy pathways. Acupuncture theory contends that blockages in these pathways cause illness, and that health is restored by using needles to clear these blockages. It is said to be possible to treat infertility through acupuncture, as well as many other ailments including constipation, neuralgia, back pain, dizziness and depression.
Things You'll Need:
Computer with Internet access for contacting acupuncturists
Understand how acupuncture helps. Acupuncture can treat infertility by improving blood circulation in the pelvic cavity and boosting ovarian function. Brush up on the basis of acupuncture by browsing the Acupuncture Web site (see Resources below).
Know what to expect. Fertility experts use acupuncture as just one part of an overall plan to improve health and wellness, so you may be required to make certain lifestyle changes to accomplish your goals. With health comes fertility.
Learn about acupuncture's role in regulating hormonal imbalances. For some women, infertility is the result of hormonal imbalances. This situation may be remedied with acupuncture. It may be helpful to rent or buy the
"East Meets West: Acupuncture and Herbs for the Treatment of Infertility with World-Renowned Fertility Specialist Dr. Mike Berkley, L.Ac., DA(RI)," available on Amazon (see Resources below).
Understand where the needles will be placed. Acupuncture points for infertility are usually located on the lower back, lower abdomen and legs.
Seek the assistance of an expert. Find an acupuncturist with experience in fertility issued by visiting the Acufinder Web site (see Resources below).
Meet with your chosen acupuncturist and give him or her as much information as possible--how long you have been trying to conceive as well as a full description of your medical history.
Follow your acupuncturist's treatment schedule to completion. Be sure to ask questions prior to any session--get your money's worth and peace of mind by being vocal.
Tips & Warnings
Acupuncture rates can climb from moderate to expensive. A lot depends on the experience and credentials of your acupuncturist. The city in which he or she is based also affects fees.
Acupuncture is covered through many insurance plans. Coverage is not offered by Medicare and Medicaid, however.
Herbs and supplements may be prescribed by your acupuncturist to support treatment. These tend to be inexpensive to moderate in price, and are not covered by insurance plans.
Do not attempt to use acupuncture to treat potentially life-threatening symptoms like extreme abdominal pain. Seek the aid of a doctor.
Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.
Acupuncture is an ancient Eastern healing technique that helps the body help itself. Needles approximately equal in diameter to a guitar string are used to puncture the skin in various places, known as energy pathways. Acupuncture theory contends that blockages in these pathways cause illness, and that health is restored by using needles to clear these blockages. It is said to be possible to treat infertility through acupuncture, as well as many other ailments including constipation, neuralgia, back pain, dizziness and depression.
Things You'll Need:
Computer with Internet access for contacting acupuncturists
Understand how acupuncture helps. Acupuncture can treat infertility by improving blood circulation in the pelvic cavity and boosting ovarian function. Brush up on the basis of acupuncture by browsing the Acupuncture Web site (see Resources below).
Know what to expect. Fertility experts use acupuncture as just one part of an overall plan to improve health and wellness, so you may be required to make certain lifestyle changes to accomplish your goals. With health comes fertility.
Learn about acupuncture's role in regulating hormonal imbalances. For some women, infertility is the result of hormonal imbalances. This situation may be remedied with acupuncture. It may be helpful to rent or buy the
"East Meets West: Acupuncture and Herbs for the Treatment of Infertility with World-Renowned Fertility Specialist Dr. Mike Berkley, L.Ac., DA(RI)," available on Amazon (see Resources below).
Understand where the needles will be placed. Acupuncture points for infertility are usually located on the lower back, lower abdomen and legs.
Seek the assistance of an expert. Find an acupuncturist with experience in fertility issued by visiting the Acufinder Web site (see Resources below).
Meet with your chosen acupuncturist and give him or her as much information as possible--how long you have been trying to conceive as well as a full description of your medical history.
Follow your acupuncturist's treatment schedule to completion. Be sure to ask questions prior to any session--get your money's worth and peace of mind by being vocal.
Tips & Warnings
Acupuncture rates can climb from moderate to expensive. A lot depends on the experience and credentials of your acupuncturist. The city in which he or she is based also affects fees.
Acupuncture is covered through many insurance plans. Coverage is not offered by Medicare and Medicaid, however.
Herbs and supplements may be prescribed by your acupuncturist to support treatment. These tend to be inexpensive to moderate in price, and are not covered by insurance plans.
Do not attempt to use acupuncture to treat potentially life-threatening symptoms like extreme abdominal pain. Seek the aid of a doctor.
Before you start any alternative medical technique, be aware that many have not been scientifically evaluated. Often, only limited information is available about their safety and effectiveness. Each state and each discipline has its own rules about how alternative medicine practitioners can be professionally licensed. If you decide to visit one, choose one licensed by a recognized national organization. Consult your primary health care provider about your decision first. Keep your doctor informed about the alternative medical technique you undertake.