How to Collect 1950s Vintage Clothing

How to Collect 1950s Vintage Clothing

The 1950s was the first decade after World War II. There were new technologies all around. This included changes in fabrics and styles. Women wore mostly dresses and skirts in the 1950s. Even so, they were starting to make note of their individuality and always seemed to be having a good time when photographed in the 1950s height of fashion. Start collecting your own vintage clothing wardrobe with these steps.


Find out all of the information you can about 1950s vintage clothing from various websites. The Fashion Era website is a good place to start. Choose the 1950s section. This will give you information and pictures relating to clothing from this era.


Look through the Unique Vintage website for party dresses from the 1950s. The 1950s were an elegant time. You can reintroduce this sophistication with a dress everyone else will love.


Swing on by the Hey Viv website. This is where you will find collectible poodle skirts and all of the accessories. These items adorned well-dressed young women during the 1950s.


Check eBay to see how many people are selling vintage clothing. Look through everything you turn up in your query. You never know when you might find the perfect item.


Look in flea markets, garage and estate sales plus thrift stores. Estate sales, especially, can produce great finds. Some people have very fine clothing packed away only to be found by their
later in life.


Walk back into history and see the beautiful designs that were available in the 1950s. Helen Bond Carruthers created striking sweaters that are extremely collectible today. Big E is the term for people who collect the hot item 1950s era Levi jeans. Another hot item is vintage scarves. Look for familiar names such as Christian Dior, Chanel and Vera.